Tribute To The Best Blog In The World

Thursday, August 31, 2006

VMAs 2K6

I went shopping today. I saw a woman browsing the flashlight aisle. She caught me staring. I froze, the only thing that could come out of my mouth was,"I'd love to give you the business end of that Maglite." She smiled and asked if I knew where the candle aisle was.

Maybe this never happened - but i'd like to start incorporating "business end" into my vocabulary.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I Was Just Thinking...

Guys who play handball must be very good at beating their wives,

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Breaking News

Local Superhero Suffers From Identity Crisis

Monday, August 28, 2006

In the News...

CNN? Fox News? MSNBC? Heineken? Fuck that shit! We here at Tribute To The Best Blog In The World will provide UP-TO-DATE breaking news as well as hard-hitting undercover pieces that you wont see on pussy stations like C-SPAN or The Discovery Channel. How's your Wild Citrus Mint Breakfast tea you pretentious vaginas? No, we're the hard-hitting Pabst Blue Ribbon brand of news, rough, stale and incredibly cheap. Chug at your discretion.

-When Asked, Fetus OK With Abortion

-Area Dentist To Give Patients A Taste Of New Ice Cream Fillings

-College Students To Pre-Game Before Returning To School

-President Bush Wishes He Had More Alone Time With American Public

-IRS Busts Lemonade Stand For Tax Abatement

When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth...

My friend lost his virginity to a 65-year-old woman while watching Jurassic Park. Yeah, he was over at her house, the mood was set… velociraptors were devouring children, and when the insertion (wink, wink) was made, the 65-year-old woman, let’s call her REX, looked my buddy right in the eye and said, "Welcome to Jurassic Park."

(Insert Chicago Bulls Intro Music)

I realized today that blogs are reserved for self-absorbed Internet junkies, tech-savy rockstars, and people who like to masturbate a lot. Fitting all of the above criteria I open myself to a whole new social phenomenon.

If I could have done something today beside data entry- I would have walked Belmont and Clark. Found a half smoked cigar curbside and listened to James Blunt's "You're Beautiful" on repeat -Both forms of torture in their own way.

Watching the Emmys is like smelling your upper-lip. It is questionable and unnecessary behavior but you do it sometimes and regret it afterwards. The Emmy's are like a gruelling game of Dungeons & Dragons where you lose the dice in the last round. (1) I watched a two hour red carpet where celebrities were drilled with stimulating Q&As involving post show dining plans and A-List parties. Their engagements didn't mean much to me because I knew I'd just end up eating a bowl of salsa, beating it, then falling asleep.

Everytime I see a skunk I freak out and run away. They remind me of socially-inept cartoon Oreo cookies that are fluent in French.

I really miss college. Today I got kicked out of Starbucks for playing "quarters" with the tip jar.

Blog On Brother, Seacrest Out.

(1) unsubstantiated claim- never played it ladies.